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Eleni Kyriacou

Last autumn's event held by The Hellenic Olympic Committee was a beautiful and emotional evening. The Rio 2016 Hellenic Olympic team were honoured on their return, for their participation in the games and in the case of 6 athletes, honoured for becoming Olympians.

I met the former Queen of Greece who congratulated me for my costumes for The Olympic Torch Lighting Ceremony, telling me she had really liked them this year.

I had the honour of meeting and congratulating Olympians: Anna Korakaki, Eleftherios Petrounias, Panagiotis Mantis and Pavlos Kagialis, as well as the father of Katerina Stefanidi.

Hellenic Olympic Committee host night at Zappeion

Zappeion Award Ceremony

Rio 2016 Hellenic Olympic team

Athletes from the Rio 2016 Hellenic Olympic Team

Fashion Designer Eleni Kyriacou, Gold Olympian Eleftherios Petrounias and musician Yannis Psimadas

Eleni Kyriacou, Gold Olympian and First Torch Bearer for Rio 2016: Eleftherios Petrounias and musician Yannis Psimadas

The former King and Queen of Greece and fashion designer Eleni Kyriacou

The former King and Queen of Greece and I

The former King of Greece and Eleni Kyriacou

The (former) King and I

Eletheria Gkoufa of The Benaki Museum, Sailing Olympian Panagiotis Mantis and Eleni Kyriacou

Eletheria Gkoufa of The Benaki Museum, Sailing Olympian Panagiotis Mantis and I

Sailing Olympians Panagiotis Mantis & Pavlos Kagialis and Eleni Kyriacou

Sailing Olympians Panagiotis Mantis & Pavlos Kagialis and I (with a little pressie from me).

Eleftheria Gkoufa and Eleni Kyriacou

The beautiful and forever charming Eleftheria Gkoufa and I

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